Tuesday, October 18, 2011
October 17 & 18
October 17 & 18
The Fed, QE1/2/3, Debt/Deficit, Debt Ceiling, Inflation
Federal spending UP 5% this year
http://www.investors.com/ NewsAndAnalysis/Article/ 588254/201110170805/The- Austerity-Myth-Federal- Spending-Up-5-This-Year.htm
---Clapper: "Double-digit" cuts coming for intel budget
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ blogs/checkpoint-washington
---I.R.S. says budget cuts would hurt service, raise deficit
http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/ stories/U/US_IRS_BUDGET_CUTS? SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE= DEFAULT&CTIME=2011-10-17-18- 01-22
------Ron Paul proposes $1 trillion in specific budget cuts
http://www.politico.com/news/ stories/1011/66114.html
------...cuts 5 Cabinet agencies, cut taxes, cut President’s pay
http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/ 2011/10/17/ron-pauls-economic- plan-cut-5-cabinet-agencies- cut-taxes-cut-presidents-pay/? mod=google_news_blog
---OpEd: "America must manage its decline"
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/ 0c73f10e-f8aa-11e0-ad8f- 00144feab49a.html# axzz1b65kWwRz
Democrat billionaire voted for Obama but began seeing trouble as soon as the stimulus went into the pockets of municipal unions.
http://online.wsj.com/article/ SB1000142405297020400230457662 8673446417268.html
Oklahoma: Capitol building crumbles with no repair money
http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/ stories/U/US_CRUMBLING_ OKLAHOMA_CAPITOL?SITE=NCAGW& SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT& CTIME=2011-10-15-22-01-12
Detroit: City struggles to keep lights on as copper thieves, aging equipment darken blocks in cash-starved city
http://detnews.com/article/ 20111017/METRO01/110170356/ Detroit-struggles-to-keep- lights-on
G20 tells euro zone to fix debt crisis in eight days
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2011/10/15/us-g- idUSTRE79C74G20111015
---France to close Italian border during G20 due to concerns over public order
http://www.businessinsider. com/france-g20-border-italy- riots-2011-10
Stock/Business/Housing/Job Markets, Gold/Silver, Food Supply
Banks must use new servicing rules for Fannie loans by Jan. 1 or face fines
http://www.marketwatch.com/ story/banks-face-deadline-on- tougher-mortgage-standards- 2011-10-17
Gap clothing company to shutter a third of U.S. stores, expand globally
http://bottomline.msnbc.msn. com/_news/2011/10/13/8308229- gap-to-shutter-a-third-of-us- stores-expand-globally
Lowe's closes stores, lays off 1,950 workers
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2011/10/17/us-lowes- idUSTRE79G2J220111017
South Carolina: Historic Haile Gold Mine sparks mini-gold rush
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2011/10/15/us- southcarolina-gold- idUSTRE79E1FU20111015
Hong Kong becomes first centre for gold trading in yuan
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/ business-15330664
China corn purchase one of its largest ever...from America
http://abcnews.go.com/ Business/wireStory/china-corn- purchase-largest-14735037
Big Gov't, Socialism/Nazism/ Progressivism/Marxism/ Communism/Globalism
POTUS now opposes repealing healthcare program he suspended last week...
http://thehill.com/blogs/ healthwatch/health-reform- implementation/187949-white- house-opposes-formal-class- act-repeal
POTUS blames GOP for the death of his jobs/stimulus bill in the Democrat-controlled Senate...
http://thehill.com/homenews/ administration/187911-obama- blasts-mocks-senate-gop
Big media outlets ignore subpoena of entire top tier of Obama Administration
http://www.examiner.com/ conservative-in-national/top- media-outlets-ignore-subpoena- of-entire-top-tier-of-obama- administration
---Trying to COVER up, Obama TRIPPED up Attorney General Holder on Fast and Furious
http://www.coachisright.com/ ooops-trying-to-cover-up- obama-tripped-up-attorney- general-holder-on-fast-and- furious/
---NRA's LaPierre: 'Fast and Furious' Was Plot Against Second Amendment
http://www.newsmax.com/ Headline/LaPierre-NRA- gunrunning-fastandfurious/ 2011/10/14/id/414545
Airport-type security screening finds Statue of Liberty tourists well-armed
http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_ local/2011/10/17/2011-10-17_ no_way_to_visit_lady_ airporttype_screening_finds_ liberty_tourists_armed_to_ hilt.html
Elementary school bans 'junk food', requires parents to sign a health contract...
http://www.theblaze.com/ stories/meet-the-elementary- school-that-banned-junk-food- requires-parents-to-sign-a- health-conract/
Pennsylvania: Mikhail Gorbachev scheduled to speak before 3,600 at Lafayette College's Kirby Sports Center
http://www.lehighvalleylive. com/easton/index.ssf/2011/10/ mikhail_gorbachev_scheduled_ to.html
---Massachusetts: UMass students rally at student union as part of Occupy Wall Street movement; professors urge change to socialism
http://www.masslive.com/news/ index.ssf/2011/10/umass_ students_rallied_on_step.html# incart_mce
---Michigan: College professor offers students extra credit for attending Occupy event
http://www.theblaze.com/ stories/college-professor- offers-students-extra-credit- for-attending-occupy-protest/
U.S.S.R.: President Dmitry Medvedev denies PM Vladimir Putin will return Russia to the past
http://news.yahoo.com/ medvedev-denies-putin-oversee- return-past-000758033.html
---Russia publishes "Comandante Fidel" memoirs
http://www.breitbart.com/ article.php?id=CNG. cf08683a34b0eca027163725d7835c 6a.201&show_article=1
Ecological/Economic/ Educational/Social "Justice", Redistribution Of Wealth
Fmr. Nat'l Sec'y Adv. to Pres. Carter Zbigniew Brzezinski calls for list of the rich to pressure them to "give back"
http://www.theblaze.com/ stories/msnbc-expert-wants- media-to-publish-list-of-rich- people-to-pressure-them-to- give-back/
A Warning from Starbucks: World coffee supply could evaporate (global warming barf alert)
http://www.komonews.com/news/ local/131921038.html
Active duty gays say coming out has been nonevent
http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/ stories/U/US_GAYS_IN_MILITARY_ CONVENTION?SITE=NCAGW&SECTION= HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME= 2011-10-15-19-54-17
Urban Outfitters clothing company under fire for Navajo-inspired fashion line
http://www.theblaze.com/ stories/demeaning-urban- outfitters-under-fire-for- navajo-inspired-fashion-line/
Illegal Aliens, Open Borders, National Security
Facebook sued for violating privacy, U.S. wiretap laws
http://www.allfacebook.com/ facebook-sued-wiretap-laws- 2011-10
Sec'y of Science and Technology Policy John Holdren under fire for China talks
http://www.spacenews.com/ policy/111014-holdren-under- fire-china-talks.html
Texas: High school students made to recite MEXICAN national anthem, MEXICAN pledge of alligiance...
http://www.theblaze.com/ stories/blaze-exclusive-tx- high-school-students-made-to- recite-mexican-national- anthem-pledge-of-allegiance/
"The Threat of Narcoterrorism: How the Strange New Iran Case Affects the Definition"
http://www.time.com/time/ nation/article/0,8599,2096950, 00.html
---GOP presidential candidates, lawmakers address narco-terrorism
http://www.examiner.com/law- enforcement-in-national/ election-2012-gop- presidential-candidates- lawmakers-address-narco- terrorism
Barney Frank: Illegal aliens' fraud HELPS Social Security (VIDEO)
http://fleming-hayes.com/2011/ 10/shock-video-barney-frank- illegal-immigrants-fraud- helps-social-security/
Caliphate/Khilafah, Sharia'h, Jihad/Islamic Terrorism
New York: Con Ed says it will EVICT Ground Zero Mosqueteer for non-payment of rent
http://atlasshrugs2000. typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2011/ 10/con-ed-says-it-will-evict- ground-zero-mosqueteer-for- non-payment-of-rent.html
Syrian forces fire at mourners, battle defectors
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2011/10/15/us-syria- idUSTRE79E2L620111015
Saudi Arabia warns it will not tolerate riots during hajj
http://www.breitbart.com/ article.php?id=CNG. b3c719706b66f81b6c630a0845ddd3 19.1b1&show_article=1
"Female Genital Mutilation, by the Numbers"
http://news.yahoo.com/female- genital-mutilation-numbers- 194100497.html
Civil/Racial Unrest
Cornel West arrested at Supreme Court protest
http://www.theblaze.com/ stories/cornel-west-arrested- at-supreme-court-protest/
OpEd: "Racial Violence"
http://www.etbj.com/2011/10/ 12/racial-violence/
"This Is What Democracy Looks Like"
Syrian forces fire at mourners, battle defectors
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2011/10/15/us-syria- idUSTRE79E2L620111015
Libyan government steps up security after clashes in capital
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2011/10/15/us-libya- idUSL5E7KT4YC20111015
---Displaced black Libyans tell of beatings, expulsion at gunpoint
http://www.reuters.com/ article/2011/10/17/us-libya- displaced- idUSTRE79G2CY20111017
"The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it." ~~ James Wilson, Of the Study of Law in the United States, 1790
The Fed, QE1/2/3, Debt/Deficit, Debt Ceiling, Inflation
Federal spending UP 5% this year
---Clapper: "Double-digit" cuts coming for intel budget
---I.R.S. says budget cuts would hurt service, raise deficit
------Ron Paul proposes $1 trillion in specific budget cuts
------...cuts 5 Cabinet agencies, cut taxes, cut President’s pay
---OpEd: "America must manage its decline"
Democrat billionaire voted for Obama but began seeing trouble as soon as the stimulus went into the pockets of municipal unions.
Oklahoma: Capitol building crumbles with no repair money
Detroit: City struggles to keep lights on as copper thieves, aging equipment darken blocks in cash-starved city
G20 tells euro zone to fix debt crisis in eight days
---France to close Italian border during G20 due to concerns over public order
Stock/Business/Housing/Job Markets, Gold/Silver, Food Supply
Banks must use new servicing rules for Fannie loans by Jan. 1 or face fines
Gap clothing company to shutter a third of U.S. stores, expand globally
Lowe's closes stores, lays off 1,950 workers
South Carolina: Historic Haile Gold Mine sparks mini-gold rush
Hong Kong becomes first centre for gold trading in yuan
China corn purchase one of its largest ever...from America
Big Gov't, Socialism/Nazism/
POTUS now opposes repealing healthcare program he suspended last week...
POTUS blames GOP for the death of his jobs/stimulus bill in the Democrat-controlled Senate...
Big media outlets ignore subpoena of entire top tier of Obama Administration
---Trying to COVER up, Obama TRIPPED up Attorney General Holder on Fast and Furious
---NRA's LaPierre: 'Fast and Furious' Was Plot Against Second Amendment
Airport-type security screening finds Statue of Liberty tourists well-armed
Elementary school bans 'junk food', requires parents to sign a health contract...
Pennsylvania: Mikhail Gorbachev scheduled to speak before 3,600 at Lafayette College's Kirby Sports Center
---Massachusetts: UMass students rally at student union as part of Occupy Wall Street movement; professors urge change to socialism
---Michigan: College professor offers students extra credit for attending Occupy event
U.S.S.R.: President Dmitry Medvedev denies PM Vladimir Putin will return Russia to the past
---Russia publishes "Comandante Fidel" memoirs
Fmr. Nat'l Sec'y Adv. to Pres. Carter Zbigniew Brzezinski calls for list of the rich to pressure them to "give back"
A Warning from Starbucks: World coffee supply could evaporate (global warming barf alert)
Active duty gays say coming out has been nonevent
Urban Outfitters clothing company under fire for Navajo-inspired fashion line
Illegal Aliens, Open Borders, National Security
Facebook sued for violating privacy, U.S. wiretap laws
Sec'y of Science and Technology Policy John Holdren under fire for China talks
Texas: High school students made to recite MEXICAN national anthem, MEXICAN pledge of alligiance...
"The Threat of Narcoterrorism: How the Strange New Iran Case Affects the Definition"
---GOP presidential candidates, lawmakers address narco-terrorism
Barney Frank: Illegal aliens' fraud HELPS Social Security (VIDEO)
Caliphate/Khilafah, Sharia'h, Jihad/Islamic Terrorism
New York: Con Ed says it will EVICT Ground Zero Mosqueteer for non-payment of rent
Syrian forces fire at mourners, battle defectors
Saudi Arabia warns it will not tolerate riots during hajj
"Female Genital Mutilation, by the Numbers"
Civil/Racial Unrest
Cornel West arrested at Supreme Court protest
OpEd: "Racial Violence"
"This Is What Democracy Looks Like"
Syrian forces fire at mourners, battle defectors
Libyan government steps up security after clashes in capital
---Displaced black Libyans tell of beatings, expulsion at gunpoint
"The first and governing maxim in the interpretation of a statute is to discover the meaning of those who made it." ~~ James Wilson, Of the Study of Law in the United States, 1790
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